1. Why is fat spread on the bread different than fat poured in the pan? The sandwich comes out different depending your method here. 1A. Which method do you prefer?

  2. What fat do you use? Butter? Mayonnaise? Some super cool other thing that I haven’t tried? Again the sandwich comes out different, both in flavor and texture depending on the fat of choice.

  3. Best cheese and bread for the sandwich?

    • Eggy fry bread makes a tasty sandwich base. Throw some ham and cheese between the slices.

      The sheer variation in bread and cheese pretty much guarantees a combination for anyone that eats bread and cheese. Would love to hear what you come up with! Please report back. Also, is this your first Exposure to the grilled cheese concept? I’m really Interested in knowing your experience. I grew up with them, someone coming to them later in life is going to have an interesting take.