• There are physicist, respected ones, that believe the universe is deterministic. That we don’t have free will.

    And psychologists that believe that feeling of consciousness is a result of the brain developing a self-supervising function for higher order thinking.

    Essentially free will is just an illusion.

      • Of the 2 compatible explanations, I really like the many worlds theory over hidden variables. Many worlds explains this unexplainable randomness, the probabilistic nature of subatomic particle movements, by saying all possible movements happen…. The probabilities just indicate the likelihood that our reality is the one that movement X happens in.

        And then you throw the block universe in, and it’s just all the more beautiful.

        All possible combinations of atomic interactions all happen. Well “happen” is so linear time thinking, they all just exist.

      • Well, if true, it doesn’t make any difference. Because it always was and always will be. Nothing makes any difference.

        But in another way, it’s kinda neat. I guess it’s simultaneously a not fun fact, and a fun fact.

    • There are physicist, respected ones, that believe the universe is deterministic.

      Quantum mechanics involves true randomness, so it is already proven that the universe is not deterministic.

      That doesn’t mean we have free will, though. Random actions are no more free than predetermined ones.

      • I think the argument they make is that quantum randomness doesn’t have any way of influencing our choices, the scales are too different. I disagree, I think quantum randomness is free will, and there’s some sort of quantum amplifier, for lack of a better word, that bridges the gap between particle interactions and consciousness. But since there is no way to prove or disprove such a thing, since it is by definition indistinguishable from chance, it’s basically naval gazing…

      • Of the 2 compatible explanations, I really like the many worlds theory over hidden variables. Many worlds explains this unexplainable randomness, the probabilistic nature of subatomic particle movements, by saying all possible movements happen…. The probabilities just indicate the likelihood that our reality is the one that movement X happens in.