Black and white cartoon.  Left panel: a group blocks a road with a banner reading "No new oil | so there's a liveable planet for our children."  Right panel: A boardroom, with members of the board raising their hands.  In front of them is a chart showing planned oil extraction going well above a dashed line marked "Level beyond which there will be no livable plant for our children.

  • In all seriousness, I can’t see how that’s realistic in anything but ideal climate if you need to maintain a professional appearance. Either you get to work as a blob of sweat and stank because it’s hot outside, or you get to work as a blob of sweat and stank because it’s cold as fucking balls and you need to have twenty layers of clothes so the outside doesn’t literally kill you in 30 seconds.

    •  Elise   ( ) 
      31 year ago

      A lot of offices have showers for that reason. Personally I’d have an extra set of clothing and wash up at the sink and there were others doing it too. And it’s just for a few days, it’s not the end of the world.

      • Could also fix our infrastructure and invest in public transport. I’m not entirely fuck cars, but I’d definitely like to see a role reversal between public transport and personal vehicles in the US. Real investment in trains in America would be a game changer.

        •  Elise   ( ) 
          11 year ago

          As far as I understand it the issue in the US regarding trains is because of the history. The rails are owned by freight companies and freight trains are prioritized. Whereas in say Germany the passenger trains are prioritized. In the Netherlands subsidies are cut if trains are late more than 5% of the time IIRC.

          So ya how can you possibly make it reliable in the US this way?

          Further I also understand that in the US there is very clear zoning, such as residential, commercial and so on, whereas here residential and commercial can be mixed, so on the ground floor you typically have shops and the like.