Hi lemmy,

youtube served me this survey today (english translation): "Which of the following issues have you encountered on the YouTube homepage today?

*The page is confusing
*I want to remove a video, but I don’t know how to do it
*I couldn’t find a particular livestream
*The “Do not recommend videos from this channel” menu option does not work
*Other problem
*None of them / not sure"

Which is funny, because I noticed when I blocked a “right wing propaganda” channel the other day in the YT shorts section it just skipped the video and played another one from the same channel.

Disclaimer: All anecdotal evidence, I can’t prove a thing, but even just the idea of me not being able to stop shitty recommendations pains me.

WTF Youtube. Stop that shit.

Edit: Minor Format tweak.

  •  realharo   ( @realharo@lemm.ee ) 
    11 months ago

    So you have zero evidence that this is actually happening?

    If it gives you video from the same channel instantly after blocking, that means nothing, these changes take a while to propagate, YouTube is a distributed system. Give it a few minutes to rebuild the feed and then try.

    How are people upvoting this crap?