• Yes and I won’t “upgrade” to Win11 for as long as possible. The computers at work have been changed to Win11 and for every single thing I find to be neat, I immediately (or delayed) find fifteen little things that annoy me.

      So far, I have found one or two things that are neat about Win11

    • And also because I grew up using Windows, and it’s the operating system that I am by far the most comfortable with. I’m just used to how everything in Windows works.

      I’ve tried to use a couple of different Linux distros- I tried Ubuntu, and Debian, and one other I can’t remember. None of them felt as intuitive, none of them had all of the programs that I use every day, and it was just harder to do stuff on it. I work with linux (headless) every day because I do software development, but for my PC I just don’t want all the hassle of having to do so much manually.

      And Mac is just right out (although I do use it for work because I don’t have a choice).