I should probably go to bed at this point. I typed up a short story of my arduous attempts at defending an outpost in the STALKER modpack GAMMA and how my game crashed when I turned in the quest. Sent off that post and woe-is-me, the entire text didn’t get submitted and I didn’t have it saved in copy-paste. It’s just so ironically fitting.

So ya, what’s something you’d like to ramble a bit about?

  • I was focusing on Overload a bit, which I’ve found to be a fun homage or spiritual sequel or successor or whatever to Descent. It does a pretty good job of addressing the problems of players potentially getting lost and disoriented in complicated 3d spaces, and it absolutely preserves the fun of wandering around, trying to spot robots before they’re already firing at you, and then frenetically blowing them up. Lots of fun exploring and poking around for secrets and figuring out how to win fights. I feel like I’m only okay at it, I’m playing on a medium-ish difficulty and taking significant advantage of save-anywhere to decide I didn’t actually screw up that last fight that badly, but I’m having fun anyway. A bit daunted by how difficult some of the later levels are turning out to be, though…

    Anyway, I was doing all of that - plus other things, I have a bunch of gaming balls in the air right now - but then No Man’s Sky had a new expedition come out. I only got the game in the last year or two and haven’t been interested in it at the same time as an expedition happened, so I spent last night focusing on it. It seems okay? It’s nice that my knowledge of the game allows me to render some tasks that might be arduous completely trivial, like knowing exactly what weapon to go fetch and what to do to get my hands on a quad servo fairly quickly. I think I spent too much time early on just getting a bunch of basic supplies lined up, but now I’m moving through everything pretty quickly so maybe that was correct and has paid off; I’m definitely overthinking the experience a bit. It doesn’t really seem like that big of a deal, overall - it’s not a major transformation of the game or anything, it winds up being what it says on the tin, just a quest line to go do to unlock some cool stuff. The cool stuff is actually mildly appealing to me, which is nice and a bit unusual.

    I can go on, I found a novel (to me, anyway) way to break Chronicon a few days ago, but I think that’s the appropriate amount of rambling.