Curious what you’ve got installed on it. What do you use a lot but took awhile to find? What do you recommend?

  • Was going to make it a sort of central computer that could centralize all the computing for several members of the family. Was hoping to get a basic laptop that could hook into the unit and play games/program on a virtual machine with graphics far above what the laptop could have handled, plus the aforementioned spin up of more machines for friends. Craft Computing had a lot of fun computing setups I wanted to learn and emulate. I would have also had the standard suite of video services and general tomfoolery. Maybe dip into crypto mining with idle time later on. Lots of ideas that somewhat fizzled out.

    • That sounds really interesting. I have some VMs set up in a similar way for family memeber though they’re very low power. They’re mostly used to ease the transition from windows to Linux. I hope you get to do it again sometime :)