Howdy pardners, this is a cheeky self-plug for !, a community I’ve created to post limited-time full-game free giveaways. It’s been going a month or two and I’m already claiming games faster than I can play them, so come and join me and make your what-game-to-play choice paralysis worse!

    •  smeg   ( ) OP
      10 months ago

      According to the game pages themselves:

      Games with Prime are free to collect and can be kept forever.

      I’ve not tried cancelling myself, but a quick web search for other people asking this question says yes you do keep them!

      • Some definitely do have DRM. I explicitly ended up buying Devil May Cry on Steam despite getting it with Prime because it opened the Twitch launcher every time I tried to play, which messed up Steam Input or whatever I was trying to use at the time.