New motos are just too big for my baby hands so I got myself an s23 for a steal, but I’m finding that I miss some of the functionality that I used to have, and that some features are just annoying on this phone.

What kind of qol apps do you galaxy-havers use? Specifically are there any that let me use more than just double tap and long press on the power button for quick actions?

Note: I don’t know if I can jailbreak it and keep my carrier. I use Google fi so it seems like breaking it would break everything? But I have no idea :3

  •  d3Xt3r   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    That’s highly unlikely. Samsung phones aren’t very custom-ROM friendly, especially if you’re going for a recent device like OP did. Also, Samsung devices use a hardware eFuse which is blown up the moment you unlock the bootloader, which permanently voids the warranty, and permanently disables some Samsung features, which also reduces the resale value of the phone.

    So, I wouldn’t advise rooting/ROMming a Samsung. Best to get something like a Pixel instead.