Should put this whole issue to rest (for a while, at least 😉).

    • And do you think that would have panned out better if the cheaper console option wasn’t available? Not to mention it would only leave them with the console that shared a lot of the same components as the PS5 during supply shortages as well.

          • Yes, thank you!
            Microsoft has historically never been profitably selling consoles, which is certainly part of their shift towards different business models, including Game Pass and a focus on more than just Xbox, but PC and Cloud as well. They don’t really have much of a financial incentive to sell consoles for that sake alone, they have to get people to subscribe to Game Pass and/or buy games (possibly digitally whenever possible) and the Series S is their best console for that, as the consumer is very much locked in.

            • Game Pass does include PC gamers, which is why they’re probably more interested in opening up that service to more people with a cheap console SKU than to sell Xbox consoles, likely because outselling Sony by doing the same thing Sony is doing is a very steep hill to climb.

                • One day they might. PC has taken a larger and larger market share as time has gone on. PCs became easier to game on, consoles became less streamlined, and perhaps even the closed-off nature of consoles compared to the open nature of PCs has played a role. But as of 2023, you’re still not making a $300 PC that plays games as well as an S. While consoles have become less streamlined, they’re still more streamlined than a PC.

                  • We’ve already established that the $300 box is not viable for much longer. And since it sold around 1/3 the numbers of the PS5, it didn’t even work as advertised.