• I am not condemning trans people. I am condemning treasoners. When you commit a crime you should be put in a prison according to your gender identity. That is completely reasonable. When you commit treason and should have been dead last week, I don’t really care where you end up. It should be 6 feet under with some flowers on top of you. Anything more is a blessing.

    (edited to add: I myself am trans just to be clear.)

    • But this woman won’t be dead. She will have to live with the callous decision by the court that, for her crimes, she deserves whatever comes, including rape. Okay fellow trans person, envison it’s 2025 and Trump is back in power and you got caught with an eighth at a BLM rally, and the courts full of sycophantic Republican judges are all signaling how extraordinarily harsh they are on crime. The shoe is now on the other foot and and a kangaroo court puts in jail for ‘assaulting an officer’ when you were using your fists to rub tear gas from your eyes while the pigs beat your arms with their sticks.

      If torture of some is alright, torture of all is alright. That simply is the reality of approving of torture as an acceptable means. I’m sorry I keep debate-broing but this mentality is really dark my friend.