Sorry if my question was weird.

And no, I am not some human’s pet that just became intelligent and took over their Lemmy account. 😺

  •  Fizz   ( ) 
    210 months ago

    Depends if they can work. If they contribute then they can be equal. But if we still provide everything for them then they’re under the control of their providers.

    • This sounds kinda wrong, if you would put that logic in other circumstances we are at the argument the “anti-women-voting-right” argument from the crazy lady: Women should only be allowed to vote if they work. Or old people who retire, should they not be allowed to vote anymore? People who have medical conditions and so on…

      •  Fizz   ( ) 
        110 months ago

        Well I wouldn’t do it on an individual basis it would be based on the majority of the species. If most dogs are as smart as humans and they work and care for themselves then they should have equal rights. But if most dogs are pets and only a small percentage work then they should not have equal rights.