Excuse my ignorance im just curious.

  • while i don’t necessarily disagree that porn can destroy the meaning of sex and wreck one’s brain, i really would prefer the state stay out of my business. i think a better approach would be to provide education on how porn affects us and avenues to seek help should someone fall into an addiction. however, getting the state involved on what people can and cannot say is too much control for my comfort.

    • I understand your POV but porn is as bad as hard drugs (because it is). We clearly can’t regulate it given how many children get sucked into it. So letting government block this isn’t the same as government overstepping into other spheres of freedom.

      Excessive freedom that hurts our species isn’t “freedom” but a hidden addictive trap that hurts us on a multi-generational level.

      • As bad as hard drugs? Do you have any objective scientific evidence to support that claim? Or did the community of NoFap sell you that lie?

        I think everyone can agree excessive porn use is bad, but I don’t see the problem in people using it given they use it in moderation. Personally, I find the industry appalling, hence why I use my imagination. Though other people may find pleasure in watching porn and that’s completely fine – why not let them? Some couples use it for inspiration to spice things up, again, why not let them?

        Making it illegal would only worsen matters, because then they’re going to start browsing the dark web to find what they seek.