Hello lemmy gamers! Curious who’s around here – anybody play fighting games?

I’m mostly into Tekken (and play it competitively), but I’ll dabble in most fighting games here and again. Would it be reasonable to have a community specifically for the FGC around here?

  • I love fighting games, even if I’ve never been particularly good at them. It’s the character designs, music and stylish presentation in games like Strive, SF6 and Skullgirls that do it for me. I try to introduce my friends to the genre any chance I get but most people find them intimidating. Can’t say I blame them, but I think that SF6 will bring some new blood to the community.

    And I’ve unfortunately found a lot of ignorance and bigotry in fighting game spaces, like in other exclusive Ur-Gamer spaces. I think with more notable queer and trans players in the scene though, things are changing.

    Edit: I’d definitely join a FGC on Beehaw if such a thing appeared. Also I play on Steam!