I linked a Warlockracy video because I really enjoy his choice of games and presentation.

Other channels I really enjoy: Mandalore, Grim Beard, Civvie11, Oboeshoesgames, and Boulder Punch.

If you can’t tell, I like longform, scripted and edited videos on older games and niche games and mods.

  • Oh boy theres quite a few I watch but heres a few that people haven’t mentioned yet.

    Neocranium – Streamer but posts edited vods on his channel that are very entertaining. Also quite well versed in the art of 3d animating which they incorporate in their vids!

    Valefisk – One man’s ongoing mission to torment his friends via the medium of video and board games

    Tehsnakerer – If you like your long video essays, I’ve quite enjoyed having this guy on. Covers a few more obscure games you might not have heard of too! Plus thanks to his series on the Yakuza games I now have like a 10% idea of whats going on in those games xD