I should probably go to bed at this point. I typed up a short story of my arduous attempts at defending an outpost in the STALKER modpack GAMMA and how my game crashed when I turned in the quest. Sent off that post and woe-is-me, the entire text didn’t get submitted and I didn’t have it saved in copy-paste. It’s just so ironically fitting.

So ya, what’s something you’d like to ramble a bit about?

  • Well, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to get some more of your top picks for the others, especially tech and film (been a Lindsay Ellis fan for years and am also fond of creators like Pop Culture Detective, Just Write, Thomas Flight, and lots more).

    • Big fan of Lindsay Ellis & Pop Culture Detective!

      For Tech: Technology Connections, This Does Not Compute, Michael MJD and RetroBytes. MattKC is probably more tech than gaming too

      Film & Culture stuff: Ladyknightthebrave, Big Joel, Schafarillas Productions, José, Shaun, CJ the X, Rowan Ellis, We’re in Hell, Jenny Nicholson, Super Eyepatch Wolf, Breadsword, Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, La’Ron Readus, Three Arrows