Illumination is an awful fit for Zelda and here’s why:

illumination can’t write complex stories, after Despicable Me 1 (which I’m not trying to imply is complex) they just stopped trying to write (good) character development or deeper themes or anything of that sort. The reason the Mario movie worked is cause Mario has such a simple story that you can get away with a movie that’s basically just fanservice with minimal plot, and I liked the Mario movie, but, my god, you just can’t do that with Zelda! There is so much more interesting lore and plot that happens in Zelda games than in Mario games that I don’t have faith in illumination to tackle. Also illumination’s artstyle does not work with most of Zelda’s artstyles! Illumination’s artstyle can’t replicate the dark art of twilight princess, or the ghibli inspired look of botw or totk, etc, Truly the only artstyle that could work with it is The Wind Waker’s but even thats a stretch. Now, I get why Nintendo chose Illumination again, cause they made them over a billion dollars last time, but almost any other studio would’ve been a better pick for Zelda and I just don’t see this movie being good with illumination at the helm.

TLDR: Zelda + Illumination = bad #

  •  HurryDaCurry   ( ) OP
    2 years ago

    I can see where you’re coming from, but even WW had deeper elements such as ganondorfs character in that game, and in general the theme of moving on from the past, and I just don’t trust em to handle stuff like that, more likely they just won’t approach anything of that sort at all, and like I tried to communicate in my post, the themes of the story are just as important as the set prices for Zelda IMO.

    • I’m with you. I think Illumination isn’t the preferred option… But since it’s what we’re getting we can only wish for the best. WW definitely did have darker parts. I think maybe the cartoony, celshaded style just took the edge of for most of the game except for when the game reminded you that now is serious time.

      I think we also all have the OG CDi burned in our brains, which can never be forgotten.