• There were 1st level spells that had missing info or flat out wrong info. This is content players are immediately going to interact with.

    There’s a major NPC whose story line gets broken beyond repair in multiplayer if you don’t do things just right. This is only a few hours into the game.

    I don’t think I’m setting a very high bar here.

    • Compared to a lot of Triple-A games out there, it is polished.

      It’s a pretty big game with a lot of variations. And as i said; It just got it’s first patch and more are coming.

      It took Bethesda about 12 years before they got around to fixing the “Games for Windows Live” thing in Fallout 3. Which literally made the game unplayable. That was a problem.

      I’m sure they’ll get Wyll fixed for you, if he hasn’t already been in this patch.

      But now I’m intrigued… If you don’t think you’re setting the bar high, what games are you comparing BG3 to that were that bug free at launch?