• True, I could solve that problem. I have another problem, though: I live in a small apartment, I’m not allowed to store anything on the patio, and bikes are trivial to steal, so…where would I put it? And if I ride it someplace and go inside, where will I leave the bike?

    • Well I’d say it’s easier to store a bike than it is to store a car. Where exactly, I don’t know but buy a good lock. A good lock will easily set you back 100-200 dollars but they’re worth it.

      On where to store the bike at the destination, There a lot depends on (local) governments. In the Netherlands there are bike parkings everywhere, and you start seeing it more and more in Canada (Vancouver at least) but I guess tou can just out it against a light post?

        • Hate to break it to you, but cars too are trivial to steal for the right person, just like bikes. I’ve seen too many “gone in 60 seconds” type of videos (but then the real thing) to have the illusion that any lock will stop everybody.

          If there is a car parking garage, then bikes are trivial to park there, unlike cars. Put good locks on the bike, and you’re risking 500 insurable dollars versus 20000-60000 more expensive insurable dollars.

          I’d rather have my bike stolen than a car.