Retro Game Corps has just posted a 30 day review of the Ally. As someone who has pre-ordered I found it quite interesting. As expected, the major down side to this device is the battery. Fortunately, my main reason for purchasing this is to do some gaming on my commute to work. As I’m only on the subway for 25 min, this should cover my needs perfectly, regardless of the game I play.

  • I want it for that kind of thing, remote play to my iPhone is /fine/ but the flexibility that steam versions offer is very attractive

    I also use a Mac for my primary desktop machine so having the Deck would be a good complement

    •  zaktmt   ( ) 
      21 year ago

      You sound a lot like my use-case lol

      I also main a Mac for computing. And the other Linux and Windows PCs I have are not gaming machines in the slightest. Since my reservation in July 2021, I went from around 3 games on Steam. To nearly 150.

      I’m just excited that the portable gaming PC space is growing. Steam Deck has some real competition now in the space. I had always dreamed of some day owning one but the pricing was more than I could justify.