It’ll be the cheapest place, by an absurd margin, to play Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • I don’t blame the lack of good shooters on consoles. Consoles never interfered with that before. I blame the popularity of Battle Royale. Everything is a fucking BR now. And it’s not like they just took the gameplay style; they also took the jank.

    All the best new shooters are indy developed boomer shooters with retro aesthetics. And I’m getting kinda over that, too. The genre needs some new ideas.

    • I miss playing good shooters since the PS360 era, way before the battle royale genre entered the game.

      It’s when the genre exploded on consoles and it was when the genre was overly simplified and dumbed down

      Before, some multiplatform FPS changed between the PC version and the console version. The console versions often had maps changed or even completely removed (and enemies where altered too) because they where too much for a controller