Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently taking up all the storage space I would give to Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG.

  •  ono   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    how little goes into optimizing that since “space is cheap”

    More and more developers seem to assume everyone else can afford what they consider to be cheap, and feel entitled to gobble up all the resources on other people’s systems as if they aren’t needed for anything else.

    And speaking of environmental costs, there’s also the pollution and e-waste generated by constantly pushing people to upgrade their hardware instead of optimizing the software.

    As a developer myself, I find it embarrassing and sad.

    • More and more developers seem to assume everyone else can afford what they consider to be cheap, and feel entitled to gobble up all the resources on other people’s systems as if they aren’t needed for anything else.

      It’s adding insult to injury when most of these games are now also launching at $70-80 these days, too.