Read this Register article today and was wondering if anyone here still use Usenet newsgroups? And if so, what are your top recommended newgroups to subscribe to?

  • I just read how to geek about usenet. It is puzzling to me that a paid provider is necessary to access usenet.

    Can anyone explain why this is? It seems odd to me that this formerly “free” resource is now sort of paywalled.

    • This is what I never understood. Also how can this not lead to issues being compromised downloading illegal stuff from your service provider who knows exactly which customer has which IP at which time?

    • you dont have to pay. you can get an account on google groups or eternal september or one of the other very few remaining text only servers but you get what you pay for. poor interface (google groups) or various account or posting restrictions. no binary groups, etc… for a couple of bucks, you can get better service quality, high message retention, faster speeds etc. it costs significant money to run these servers now with all the bandwidth and hard drives.