Carlos Santana, Alice Cooper, Róisín Murphy, Dave Chappelle, J.K. Rowling, Harry Jowsey, Bette Midler, Macy Gray, Kevin Hart, John Cleese

  • Midler came up playing the NYC bathhouses which were essentially fuck clubs for gay men before AIDS shuttered them all. I have a difficult time seeing her being anti-LGBT given how gay her fan base traditionally was.

      • Her comment sounds like she isn’t anti trans but more has a problem with terms like birthing person instead of cis-woman or woman depending on context.

        It’s not anti-trans to suggest we use the term women rather than birthing person when discussing pregnancy fir example.

        • It’s not strictly anti-trans, but it does erase entire swaths of people who are able to give birth but who aren’t women. Birthing person is inclusive of women and everyone else. I don’t understand the problem.

          • It also doesn’t refer to cis women who are unable to give birth for any variety of reasons. It’s specifically not referring to a pretty sizable group of cis women while also including people who aren’t cis women, because cis women aren’t the ones being referred to; birthing people are.

            • Because it is meant to be used in healthcare care settings in reference to groups of people. It is a way more accurate and complete description of the cohort. Nobody is going around calling individual women “birthing people.” Midler took a term out of context and tried to claim people are trying to erase women, which is classic TERF behavior

      •  gk99   ( ) 
        1810 months ago

        TERFs may be the dumbest people alive. How are you going to be all about equality and acceptance after literally thousands of years of women being mistreated, only to turn around and do that to a different group and see no problem with it? Absolutely mindless.

          • Ok that doesn’t completely strip them of validity. I get why she would prefer to be calked a woman and take issue with her being assigned a different term just like I get why a transwoman would want to be called a woman rather than having a different term they do not identify with assigned to them.

        • But they are not equivalent. People that erase trans people read it like that and project. In a medical setting, the biology is important and the language makes sure all parts involved are included in the conversation.

          • This begs the question why is it acceptable to assign terms to people they do not identify as? Your comment would make sense in medical discussions about people giving birth but that’s not how it is being used.

            • It does not beg that question because that is literally how it is being used. Your continued hammering of that point is simply untrue and feels incredibly disingenuous since multiple people have told you that is how it is being used

                • There’s a distinct difference between complaining that you were labeled a certain way and being a celebrity and writing a rant apropos of nothing on Twitter about how an amorphous “they” are not calling us women anymore.

                  You’re right that no one should be referred to in a way they don’t want to be, but that only applies when they’re not being intolerant. Punch Nazis and call them assholes and Nazis. It’s good and cool.