Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.

  • Its very rare that I actually finish a game that’s just plain miserable but I got a nomination since it was also (thankfully) short: Photographs

    Photographs is an indie puzzle/narrative game, where you solve dilemmas through a different set of mechanics in 5 different narratives. So far so good, that’s somewhat interesting. It falls apart completely, however, on the absurdity of its attempts to be tragic. Every story in Photographs has to be a tragedy - which in itself is already a negative point. You start each of these vignettes already expecting how it’ll all go wrong, which by the third or fourth time is already stale. You’re just waiting for what will be the inevitable Bad Thing™ that will randomly happen to these people.

    But its biggest failure is that those tragedies just don’t hit. I’ll spoil some of those so be wary if you’re still interested in that. In one of those, a swimmer is caught in a doping scandal, which ends with her being scorned, kicked out of the competition scene, and homeless. In another, a newspaper editor decides to only publish bad and infuriating news to get more readers, and ends up being bombed by one of his former employers, after publishing a paper that says people deserved to get fired. The quickness in which things go south and the intensity is absurd, to the point of almost being comical. Worse of all, it also fails in one critical point (one which even big names fall for) which is not building up its characters. You rarely get an idea of who you’re dealing with before tragedy occurs. You’ll often only have a general understanding - old man lonely, athelete stressed, editor scared of bankruptcy - before the inevitable happens, and by that point you’re on the rollercoaster watching a castle fall down, but it was more like a makeshift, straw castle that you never really cared about.

    And at the end, you get one final “tragedy” where you as the player will decide one of these stories to rewind and have a chance at a happy ending. Its a distressing attempt at emotional manipulation where the multiple characters will beg you for their lives and futures, but once again…you have no investment in any of these. They’re all 1 dimensional cardboard cuts, all struck by baffling circumstances. You might as well pick at random - for my part I did the one story that angered me the least, the lonely alchemist - but at the end its just one more alternate future for empty characters.

    Its by far one of the games I’ve hated playing the most, and a massive stepdown from a developer that made some kickass mobile games before (You Must Build A Boat is still a must have)

    Now I kinda want to make a thread for highly rated AAA games that disappointed you…