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    On December 10th, at around 6 p.m., 200 environmental activists suddenly stormed and “invaded” a Lafarge company cement factory of La Malle in Bouc-Bel-Air in the Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in Southern France. Infrastructure at the plant was reportedly attacked using a variety of methods, including: sabotage of incinerators and electrical systems and devices; cable cutting; bags of cement cut open and spilled; damage to vehicles and construction equipment; damaged windows; and graffiti spraying.

      •  thejevans   ( @thejevans@lemmy.ml ) 
        10 months ago

        Loss of factory working days is a huge loss. Additionally, the more likely this is to happen, the more expensive said insurance will become, or insurers will just stop offering insurance.

        • No. Such insurances are mandatory by law; in extremis, a government agency would force an insurance to take the risk.

          What will sooner happen is the factory installing higher and thoughervfences, install security cameras, keep dogs on th grounds and hire security.

      • I’ve never heard of insurance for large scale projects which can lose tends of thousands to millions of dollars per operations day lost. That’s normally eaten by the company’s savings or loans. Maybe it’s different in France.