And, how did you get to know them? And how long did it take for you to think of them as your best friend?

  • Hard to say who is my best friend. I think i’ve actually got two, which where my neighbours during my childhood. We met when we were 3 years old.

    My one best friend is just the most supportive person ever, she encourages me to do the things i want to do. She is brave, kind and creative. My other best friend is, imo, i think he sees it differently, pretty intelligent. He is kind, but also a bit (socially) clumsy and kind of anxious. But he also helps me to stay motivated and we went hiking in Norway and Scotland together… Which was just awesome.

    Overall, i just think, I’ve got some friends for life and proud to be connected with them. Nothing is always perfect, but we know each other for so long and therefore good enough to just acknowledge the faults, but not let them tear us apart!