New thread! Whatcha all playing! I’ve been playing more blasphemous 2. Really really into it 🙏

  • NWN being based on a different D&D edition definitely makes it more appealing, so I’ll try to check it out someday.

    I have the two Owlcat Pathfinder games, but haven’t played them yet, but I’ve heard good things about them (also they have a turn-based mode I think, which is nice).

    I’m going on a rant here, but my biggest gripe with D&D video games, and part of the reason I didn’t really use them in my BGEE playthrough, are the limited spell slots for casters (especially since you fight constantly). In theory (I think) the best way would be to just go all out, each and every fight and just rest afterward to recharge. I think that’s just really dumb. Why even have the limited slots in the first place? BGEE definitely felt like this, since resting is free, only coming with a chance to get ambushed (which you can just save scum, but these small fights aren’t difficult anyway). It’s probably more fun that way as well, since you can actually do stuff, and not just play a really slow hack-and-slash game. BG3 was a bit better, since you get the cantrips, that you can freely use. It incentivized Long Rests anyway because of all the events, but that’s another story. Pillars of Eternity is pretty nice, since it has a bunch of Spells and Abilities, that you can use per Encounter, so you get the fun of actually doing things, but don’t have to constantly worry about the limited slots.

    •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
      210 months ago

      Yeah, the limited spell slots are straight up just a mechanic from D&D, so that’s something you’ll find in all CRPGs using 2nd and 3rd edition. It gets easier at higher levels, as you have more spell slots, but in BG at low levels, you do just have to rest often. It is fine to have wizards using, say, a sling for the easy fights and save their spells for when they really need them. If it helps, though, with most quests there’s no actual time pressure, so you can’t fail it if you do have to do one fight, then rest, then the next fight, and rest again. If you like turn-based, BG and BG2 have settings for auto-pausing with each turn, which replicates a turn-based system by allowing you more time to plan out your next move.

      • In theory, yes, but maybe not all cantrips are created equal.

        For some reason, in my playthrough I ignored Wyll for the most part, so I didn’t really play as a Warlock, and didn’t experience Eldritch Blast. I only took him with me for the resolution of his quest at the very end, and was very pleasantly surprised how potent it can become (when you buff it during level ups).

        Compared to that, stuff like Sacred Flame and Fire Bolt can feel a bit lacking and boring, although they can work for mopping up the goons everywhere and saving spell slots for the bigger fights.