So I have been writing since… I can remember, let’s say at least 15 years. From short stories about all kinds of stuff to more fleshed out things, I just love expressing myself creatively, you get what I mean right?

So anyways, since I would say 3 years or so I couldn’t write anything. I really want to continue, but I just can’t get myself to do it. And I don’t want to force myself because maybe then it turns out to be just bad, you know?

Maybe it’s my personal situation that has changed, maybe it’s just something that keeps me from it… but I would like to know what you do of you experience a writer’s block!

BTW this is my first post on here since I just registered on here and I want to try leaving Reddit… just FYI

  • When in doubt, I refer to my outlines. I’ll find the next story beat and skip to it, then find a way to bridge the gap later. I’m definitely more of a plotter than pantser (a painful lesson to learn btw), so having a roadmap really helps.

    • That’s actually a really interesting idea, so you just basically jump forward up to a point that you really want to write about? I mean I got those really big steps in my story that it has to “follow along” if you get what I mean, but I am afraid if I just jump in there, I won’t be able to connect the dots afterwards, you know?