I just recently started playing around with an old pc as my homeserver and am curious of any recommendations for lesser known self hostable foss software that you would recommend

  • Ngnix-proxy-manager is even simpler :) But along with the automatic router creation using labels, I’ve found traefik to be the most robust of all three.

    The traefik syntax and configuration using yaml is really initutive. I can link a good guide here if someone wants it. The official documentation isn’t that good.

    One of my favourite guides explaining the configuration files for traefik.

      • That is pretty cool :) I have a domain on porbunk too but even up putting DNS on cloudflare because porkbum uses cloudflare anyway but doesn’t expose most of the features. Kind of a loss loss. Cloudflare works with pretty much everything.

        I’ll check out nginx-proxy. Have heard good things about swag too. How is the setup on nginx-proxy compared to other options?

      • Have linked one :) For remote access, I wouldn’t necessarily use traefik at the edge. The safest solution would probably installing zerotier/tailscale on the remote server and accessing traefik through that. That way you don’t have to expose unnecessary parts or worry about robustness of authentication etc.

        If it is a single computer you can easily make a two computer network using the instructions from wireguard archwiki page and you’re all set :)

        • Ooh. I signed up for tailscale, but havent gotten the configuration right I think. Also signed up for NextDNS. Got some work to do but no longer have the time.

          What I actually want to do is make it so I can give out accounts to services to my family and girlfriend so they can watch movies and whatever.

          Tailscale is one step to many. I think I will need to purchase a domain name or set up a VPN, which seems a little scary to me.