I’m kinda neutral. Being bi is great but I hate having to hide it

  • I feel this, I work in the LTL (shipping and trucking) industry so there’s a lot of people who are very much not comfortable around me once they found out I’m not straight.

    I haven’t had to go to HR about it for more than 1 person but it’s something that I’ve noticed for sure

    • Honestly, I can’t go to HR, so it’s kind of stressing me out. My boss doesnt give a fuck, but if he decides he does, I’m out the door.

      And I’m sure this isn’t a news flash to anyone here, but it’s fucking irritating. Buncha squares made their little lives so safe, boring, and miserable that they have to latch onto anything different and destroy it to avoid thinking about it.

      • This is basically most of my experience with work, the 1 I had to go to HR about was something way more than just standard cold shouldering.

        I wish you the best of luck, hopefully they’ll get over it and stop being such prudes. Or hell you might make some office friends who are okay with everything.