A 7/10 is basically a complete failure, so why didn’t reviewers take my feelings into account before publishing their scores?

  • Honestly, the game is exactly what I expected from all the pre-release info. It’s a Bethesda RPG in space. I didn’t expect a space sim, so I didn’t expect any sort of dynamic streaming for seamless planetary transitions and the likes, because they very clearly stated that this wasn’t a thing.

    And the capital G Gamers seem to be more bothered by pronouns, body types, female leaders, all the “replaced white people”, etc. lol
    Seriously, stay away from the Steam forums folks.

    •  Erk   ( @Erk@cdda.social ) 
      21 year ago

      Whenever anyone calls me by my “they them” pronouns in game, a tiny juvenile part of me chuckles at the Gamerz out there who I’m sure are frothing at the mouth at the fact that I can play a single player game how I want.

      • I was considering using they / them for a second, just for shits & giggles, but then thought it’s likely not even really used in a lot of dialogs anyway (very much true after many hours later now). In hindsight it would have probably just confused me though, thinking they talk about someone else. Because I am super tired from literally playing too much, which completely fucks with my concentration & attention span. lol