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Air Canada has apologized to customers who were allegedly escorted off a plane for refusing to sit in a chair covered with vomit for the duration of their over four-hour flight.

The airline issued a statement after a viral Facebook post claimed two as-yet unidentified female flyers were told there was nothing to be done about the visible vomit on their soiled seats.

Oh! AirCanada!

  •  jerkface   ( ) 
    10 months ago

    Pedantry time.

    The lyrics are not, “Oh, Canada!” They are “O Canada.” It’s not the same word. “Oh!” is an interjection of surprise. “O” means that you are addressing the subject of the sentence; “O wife, you are my guiding star.” It’s largely redundant but helpful for clarity when you are speaking to an abstract concept, for whatever reason. But it doesn’t make sense to end a statement with, “O such and such” because it aught to be followed by a message to address.