I think we need to do this for all subreddits before the API gets shut down

  •  NebLem   ( @neblem@lemmy.world ) 
    171 year ago

    If you are an instance owner, you can use this tool https://github.com/rileynull/RedditLemmyImporter . However, is all of your sub’s old content really that valuable to bring over? Why not just create the new community, copy the old sidebar info / rules, make a sticky with links to top posts in the old sub, let a few people know (in a way that doesn’t violate the sub’s rules) and let people migrate naturally?

      •  casey   ( @casey@lemmy.wiuf.net ) 
        1 year ago

        I think it’s more people tired of the pollution that took place, and trying to preserve the clean and friendly one we have so far.

        I do personally agree with saving old ones, but I’d highlight them as legacy and then make only the admin be able to create new content there with links to the new one still as suggested before.