• I want to like Bethesda games. I liked fallout 3 a lot and their doom games, which is different i guess. But man, i’m not a trash collector that collects trinkets. It’s not enjoyable to me. It doesn’t matter where the setting is. And the fact that the characters still look like the game is made in 2010, with the same shitty zoomed in dialogue and awkward ass eye contact is just driving me away. This isn’t some indie company that want to make thir dream game, this is Bethesda that wants to make a 80 dollar game with as little effort as humanly possible.

    • It really just feels like Bethesda needs to just build world so we can populate them however we choose. They know the public and modders like their framework so they create settings. Fantasy, Nuclear Wasteland, Space. They know modders keep games alive.