•  sim_   ( @sim_@beehaw.org ) 
      2310 months ago

      Hotels aren’t the only ones who stand to benefit from codes such as these. NYC’s may have been overly harsh, but more cities should be looking to clamp down on housing being sucked out of the local market by big money interests.

    • Honestly, if they did? More power to them. I’m tired of good houses being tied up as overpriced vacation rentals, where you have to clean the damn thing out to exacting specifications and still pay a fucking cleaning fee. We could only be so lucky, that maybe private investors will go after Blackrock in a class action for trying to monopolize investment housing or some shit. Let the greedy eat each other.

        • We love airbnb in India. Hopefully owners don’t get too greedy and turn into this. Even my properties are expected to get dirty and being cleaned up by a housekeeping person.

          Unless a guest breaks or steals anything there’s no problem. The issue is airbnb doesn’t protect us from any of the damages. And asking a deposit puts people off, there’s enough cheap competition in the area I guess.

          • Don’t get me wrong, I used to love them. Until I realized they got too expensive + the fact we’re in the middle of a housing crisis and many houses are now short term rentals, which doesn’t help things