To rein in emissions, the E.U. is looking to insects as an alternate source of protein for livestock and people and is easing regulations and subsidizing makers of insect-derived food. In a photo essay, Luigi Avantaggiato explores the emerging bug food industry in northern Italy.
Problem: farming animals is inefficienct, cruel, expensive, and destroying the earth which gives us life life
Solution 1: learn to cook dhal
eww no veggies, I am 12 and refuse to eat them
solution 2: convince the arrogant fussy and cruel hedonist that rejected 1 to eat crickets?
solution 3: keep all of the horror of farming but make it marginally more efficient?
Mmm yay, pigs screaming in terror while they die in gas chambers makes me hungries.
I have found that practical solutions are rarely all or nothing, personally.
Are you against eating meat from a consequentialist perspective, or a deontological one? In my opinion, less meat eaten is better - better for the environment, and less money going into cruel practices around slaughtering animals, etc - even if the reasons for it are varied and not strictly from a standard of moral duty.
Everyone is a consequentialist these days it seems. Assume consequentialism until proven otherwise
A reminder to be(e) nice; we all come from different backgrounds, and launching ad hominem attacks is ineffective in getting people to consider your arguments.
It doesn’t have to be cruel. I grew up on a sustainable farm. I agree with you however, it’s the culture that has decided meat or nothing and that’s why it’s cruel.
If the ways we killed non humans were not cruel then we would use them on our loved ones at end of life for euthanasia etc.
we don’t because they’re cruel.