So far, Starfield is an awesome game, but now I have an urge to pick up my character on no man sky, and I’m having trouble putting that game down right now.

Anyone else experienced this for example urge to play another space game?

      •  Erk   ( ) 
        10 months ago

        I agree, but I think if I had stuff to do there, I wouldn’t mind. The thing is there just isn’t, the game is so shallow and the writing is so boring. I shouldn’t like starfield this much except I have been primed to want this since NMS came.

          •  Erk   ( ) 
            210 months ago

            One of the weirdest bits there is that they have a fairly interesting and robust system of learning alien languages, but then quest gives always give quests in your native language so there’s no reward for learning the alien stuff at all.

            And of course all the quests are basic fetch quests, because there is nothing in the game resembling a dungeon or combat arena, and no real enemies you can fight (alien bugs or sentinels, wee)

            •  Veraticus   ( ) 
              110 months ago

              Hmm, I’m not sure I agree with you that it’s interesting. I remember spending boring hours clicking on aliens to ask them a word from their language, with no indication I’d actually talked to that alien already and learned its word.

              I agree that learning the languages are pointless though.

              •  Erk   ( ) 
                110 months ago

                the system is interesting. The gameplay is meh, but I don’t think it’d be too bad if there was something tied to it.

                personally I prefer finding the obelisks as a way to learn languages. I forgot about the cookie cutter, useless NPCs in the stations.