I currently use Authy on my android and my Linux system.

It syncs every new authenticator between my devices but I dont want to trust companies with my security anymore.

I host a nextcloud instance on my homelab. Does anyone know a good FOSS authenticator that can use my nextcloud to sync between Linux and android? Provided that it is available on both of course.

Thanks for any input!

  • I personally use Bitwarden for my 2FA needs. As others mentioned you can self host the server but personally I have no reason not to trust their SaaS solution, especially now that they offer EU hosted servers. If all you want is a basic authenticator app that does only one thing give FreeOTP a try, it’s made my RedHat. You can then sync the applications state.

    • I use bitwarden for 2FA as well. The only issue I have is that I need another solution as well since I also have 2FA activated on my bitwarden account. You can’t have bitwarden 2FA saved on bitwarden. (Well you can but that’s obviously a bad Idea)

      • That is true. But that’d be the case for any online/cloud 2FA service. So you could either have a local 2FA app just for Bitwarden or set up less secure but more convenient email 2FA.