• From the article:

    The trans community are often treated as activists pushing an agenda when we tell our stories, not as human beings sharing the truth in good faith.

    I had not really thought of it that way before, but yes, that is exactly how it feels. Even those who call themselves Allies seem to brush off what I have got to say. I’m not some militant activist. Don’t get me wrong—I fight for our rights where I can. However, it seems that my perspective and fears are brushed off by pretty much everyone around me. I cannot presume to know what goes on in others’ minds, I can only speak to how things appear as well as to my personal experiences. It sucks feeling like no one is really listening.

    • Even those who call themselves Allies seem to brush off what I have got to say.

      This absolutely does my head in. It upset me way more than the openly hateful lot does.

    • Everyone fighting for their rights who isn’t a cishet dude deals with some degree of this. Where do you think the idea that feminism is more than wanting equality came from? To be clear, it’s a bigger risk to trans people right now because more people think it’s ok to unalive you all on sight, but this is an old and widespread tactic in defense of cisheteropatriarchy.