Two timelines I created of the total users at the top 10 Lemmy instances as a bar chart race and as a line chart. The line chart only includes the current top 10 Lemmy instances as of the 9th of June 2023 because Flourish only allows ten lines at a time.

I used the Federation to determine the current top 10 Lemmy instances as of the 9th of June and the 14th of July 2023. The website only has sorting function for the current data, and the instances have to opt in to be included. Therefore, it is likely that some instances are not included. Furthermore, the website seems to only contain data from the last year, so the website do not have documentation on the top instances prior to this period. Additionally, I excluded instances that have had quick growth in total users but not in posts and comments.

  • I spent years on Reddit and somehow didn’t realize until today what an unscrupulous person he is. And not only unscrupulous, but downright unprofessional.

    We can say what we want about someone like Mark Zuckerberg, but he would never behave in the way that Spez did in that AMA. It’s just not befitting of the CEO of a company.