So I don’t know if this is a Beehaw problem or a Lemmy problem but multiple posts from a community start populating from the top of the page, seemingly ranging from the latest post to the oldest.

This happens in both Hot and Active and lags the page as well. Is anyone else experiencing this?

  • the situation with thread links is pretty bleh. I’m on beehaw, so I don’t seem to be able to easily just click your link and participate, because I’m not logged into

    edit: and when attempting to post this… somehow half of the context (including the post at the top) changed to the new post about the update to beehaw.

    • Yup the situation is not ideal. The lemmy devs are happy that it’s working at all I think, it’s all fairly new.

      You can always search for a link like this on beehaw. Then your server will look it up so you can see the post and participate :)