Like most other people here, I originally came here from reddit. Ive been having a blast so far, and I much prefer the forum-style of this. After about a week of using Lemmy I realized there was something intrinsic to reddit that Lemmy doesnt have. And I wont miss it. Too many people on reddit were way too horny. I was really annoying, but Lemmy seems way more chill. Plus its refreshing knowing that the people on here arent all bots.

  • That’s exactly what I mean (/r/196 is the one I meant, with /r/19684 being the non-horny version). I’m bi, so I have no issues with the queer community at all - the issue is strictly how hard it was to not get constantly bombarded with horny garbage. Same reason it’s so hard for me to find anime and manga that I can enjoy. Fanservice in those is absolutely out of control.