All the time I have people come in to work wearing a mask, which is fine normally, good for them, but they are wearing them on their chin, chin diaper style. Not covering up anything. Or at best just their mouth, sometimes. Nobody is making these people wear a mask anymore, so why are they doing it at all if they are just going to do it wrong? Is it an attempt at a political statement? A lack of education? I end up baffled for a while every time I see one of these people.

  • Yesterday while grocery shopping two men walked by as I was contemplating bread choices. One of them was saying, “yeah, it’s ok, I’ve got the sore throat but I don’t have the rest of the Covid symptoms yet.”

    At that moment I really wished both he and I (and everyone else in the store) were wearing masks.

    •  marco   ( ) 
      31 year ago

      If they are talking like that, they probably didn’t test. That being said, my whole family just went through a normal cold that the kids brought home from school, all tested negative… sigh

      • That makes it better, but I don’t want his normal cold, either. We all have a few masks lying around and tucked into pockets here and there these days. If one feels a cold coming on, toss a mask over your pie hole in public!