So, until recently, I have been using

However, as some issues that I have opened have shown, there are a bunch of left wing and progressive sites on this list ( ). I no longer think that it is trustworthy. Especially after reading some of the repo owners replies. Intentionally added was which is a generic url for any telegram group. was on it at one point.

Oy Vey. It’s clear to me that the owner of this repo is not actually spending much time actually curating this list and instead it’s just a shotgun approach. Does anyone know of a good alternative?

    • Labeling the opposition as a deranged cult that must be censored doesn’t exactly sound anti-fascist to me. Again, not talking about hate groups here or anyone that advocates for violence.

        •  mintyfrog   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          Perhaps you’re not familiar with this blocklist and how it doesn’t exclusively include QAnon sources, as I indicated.

          No list can exclusively contain QAnon sources. It isn’t possible. You’re relying on someone else or a group of people to make that determination. In doing so, you’re blocking non-QAnon sources that you may just happen to disagree with. They also block far-right sites as described in the Github. How far to the right does the site have to be to be blocked? You’ve now created an echo chamber by blocking the opposition, all because you trusted that a list called “no-qanon” only blocked QAnon.