• I know it’s not exactly good for the environment, but I was taught to use gas or diesel as it basically suffocates them.

    Now I know about the “industrial strength” shit I used when I was a groundskeeper that is instakill for them.

    When I was young though I was riding a small 50cc dirt bike and fell over on a nest. Luckily it was near a body of water so I dove in, but damn, inches from death.

    • When I was still living at home, I once discovered a massive anthill near the house. Easily a foot and a half across, and rising above the ground four or five inches. Dug it out with a shovel and turned it over. Next day - it’s fixed. Soaked it with gasoline and set it on fire. Next day - fixed. Doused with gasoline again, dug it out and turned it over, more gasoline, more digging, more gasoline, more fire. That finally did it.