• This means that 79% of all NFT collections – otherwise known as almost 4 out of every 5 – have remained unsold

    Anyone taking bets on how much of the remaining 21% were “sold” on paper only ie. wash traded? None of these statistics were ever reliable. Hundreds of thousands of NFT collections minted, almost all of them fishing for a single sucker to bite and make it worth the gas costs. It would probably be more useful to look only at collections officially associated with some already well-known brand/artist/celebrity.

    • It would probably be more useful to look only at collections officially associated with some already well-known brand/artist/celebrity.

      The Trump NFTs sold 100%… not sure how useful is that.

      • I honestly love that statistic. It’s like a venn diagram of Trump screwing people over, people dumb enough to buy NFTs, and Trump supporters. It looks like this 🔴