Kagi is a paid alternative to ad-supported search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo. It has recently revised its pricing model, reducing the cost for a plan with unmetered searches from $25 per month to $10.

Kagi boasts the following (and more) features:

  • Blocking or boosting specific domains in your search results
  • “Lenses”, which are individual setting profiles (e.g. region locks, domain whitelists) that can be applied to search queries
  • All of the Bangs that DuckDuckGo has (e.g. type “!yt” in front of your query to immediately search on youtube.com)
  • Universal Summarizer, which works with any website, PDF document, YouTube video and more

This blog post goes into full details about Kagi’s capabilities.

    • Samesies :P This is awesome. Love being a user and not the product. EDIT:

      With the redirector extension you can import the following to help with muscle memory.

          "createdBy": "Redirector v3.5.3",
          "createdAt": "2023-09-22T00:00:00.631Z",
          "redirects": [
                  "description": "Google->Kagi",
                  "exampleUrl": "https://www.google.com/search?q=kagi%20rocks&sca_esv=011101111&source=dv&ei=CN",
                  "exampleResult": "https://kagi.com/search?q=kagi%20rocks",
                  "error": null,
                  "includePattern": ""^(?:https?):\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?google\\.com(\\/?$|(\\/search\\?q=.*?(?=[&])))"",
                  "excludePattern": "",
                  "patternDesc": "Redirect Kagi",
                  "redirectUrl": "https://kagi.com$1",
                  "patternType": "R",
                  "processMatches": "noProcessing",
                  "disabled": false,
                  "grouped": false,
                  "appliesTo": [
    • Same too! I was literally considering the update to the family plan so I could share it. This is welcome news.

      Edit: I’m actually going to update to the duo plan. Super affordable now!