Western countries have for too long acquiesced to the Indian government’s abuses

  • If there is, it won’t be shared currently due to it being an ongoing investigation.

    But something must be there if the Canadian government is making this statement instead of ignoring it. Sounds like the media was going to push the story anyway, but they got ahead of it.

    The USA already said they aren’t distancing themselves from it and working with Canada with this.

    We will see how things turn out, but things are pointing to more than likely India did something. Especially with the swarm of comments/bots pulling the whole “well he deserved it” and “hypocrites” all over.

    • If there is, it won’t be shared currently due to it being an ongoing investigation.

      Then Trudeau should have kept his trap shut about it until he had the ability to produce hard evidence. Now, he may have even compromised the investigation, or made a fool of himself if this investigation exonerates India hfsctually or due to geopolitical ‘compulsions’).

      It’s a stupid hill to die on.