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      • My dad joke variation of this is to say…

        “I may have a drinking problem”

        “I don’t know how to hold the bottle!”

        Its gotten a few groans of anguish but then that seems par for the course with my humour :p

        •  777   ( @777@lemmy.ml ) 
          11 year ago

          I’ve been thinking about this joke for a while and don’t feel I understand it. I expect there is a double meaning or a cultural saying that is lost on me, please can you explain it?

          • Sure! There’s a general thing that people sometimes say when they struggle with alcoholism and that is that they say they have a drinking problem.

            So with the joke here, rather than a drinking problem reffering to someone being an alcoholic, it is instead because they cannot hold the bottle and are thus having a problem with drinking but in a completely different way.

            Hope that cleared it up a little :)